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Basic Info

ReBorn3D LOGO Company
Address Rm 303, 109, Daedeok-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of KOREA Website www.ReBorn3D
Tel 82-070-4288-9003 Fax 82-000-000-000
Year of Exhibition 2020 Booth No. K018
Pavilion VR / 3D Convergence & 3D Printing Exhibit Item G Printer, G Printer Jewelry

Company Introduction

ReBorn3D is a professional development company for UV DLP 3D printer and is the new company name of Gooo3D that commercialized DLP 3D printer by applying 405nm UV LED for the first time in Korea. The G-printer and G-printer jewelry lineup that boasts the best 3D printing efficiency is a quiet leader.

Product Introduction